søndag 3. august 2008

Psykosedyr exhibition at RockArt 2008

RockArt is a rock and art festival in Holmestrand, a small town about an hours drive outside Oslo. The festivals spans 3 days from July 24th to 26th and is held at an abandoned factory by the ocean; its immediate surroundings is a sand beach, 30 meter tall industrial buildings and a park. It's all very idyllic and of course the perfect location for a Psykosedyr exhibition!

Psykosedyr shared a large, rustic, industrial room with Kim Sølve of Unreality and Torgrim Torve.

The saturday had a special event for children where they could make sculptures, animation movies, paintings and attend a concert with punk versions of classic childrens songs. To my great surprise and joy the children were also invited to review the exhibitions. 

Here's what they had to say about the Psykosedyr images.

The questions:
1. What do you see in the picture? / Hva ser du på bildet?
2. What do you like the most about the picture? / Hva liker du mest med bildet?
3. What do you like the least about the picture? / Hva liket du minst med bildet?
4. What do you think the artist wishes to tell us with the image? / Hva tror du kunstneren ønsker å fortelle oss med bildet?
5. What could be different about the picture? / Hva kunne vært annerledes med bildet?
6. Other comments? / Andre kommentarer?

All the pictures

Review by Silje
Age: -
2. I liked the images that reminded me about a mermaid, it's cool with skulls / Likte bildet som minnet om havfrue, kult med dødninhoder
3. I didn't like it when there were too many skulls / Likte ikke når det var mange dødninghoder
4. Use the imagination and imagine what they do/ Bruke fantasien med og forestilleseg det de gjør
5. Less skulls /Mindre dødning hoder
6. We mostly looked at the pictures of the lady / Vi så mest på bildene av dama

Limited edition prints, done in 4 copies. Size: 30cm x 60cm. Mounted on 12 mm thick MDF boards. Price: 1300,- NOK

Review by Oscar
Age: 6
1. The mouth and the eyes / Munnen og øynene
2. The mouth / Munnen
3. The skulls / Skallene
4. Hello / Hei
5. Switch the heads with real skulls / Byttet hodene med ekte skjelett hoder

Limited edition prints, done in 4 copies. Size: 30cm x 60 cm. Mounted on 12 mm thick MDF boards. Price: 1300,- NOK

Review by Nina
Age: 12
1. A lady with read eyes + flowers / En dame med røde øyne + skulder
2. Flowers / Blomster
3. The red around the eyes and shoulder / Det røde rundt øyne og skulder
4. That we must be happy! / At vi må bli glade
5. Another color than red and black / En annen farge enn rødt og svart.

Limited edition prints, done in 4 copies. Size: 30cm x 60cm. Mounted on 12 mm thick MDF boards. Price: 1300,- NOK

Review by Leon
Age: -
1. A girls with skulls on her head / En jente hodeskaller på hodet
2. The blood beneath the hands, the fur on the Psykosedyr / Blodet under hendene, pelsen på psykosedyret
3. The crosses / Kryssene
4. About death / Om døden
5. More blood drops / Flere blodåper

Limited edition prints, done in 2 copies. Size: 110cm x 60cm. Mounted on 12 mm thick MDF boards. Price: 2500,- NOK

Review by Kevin
Age: 13
1. A woman with snakes around her / En dame med slanger rundt seg
2. The face / Ansiktet
3. The snakes / Slangene
4. Hot / Varmt
5. Remove the skulls / Bort med skallene rundt

Review by Levi and Sondre
Age: -
1. Dandelions, girls with lots of hear / Løvetann, jente med masse hår
2. We like dandelions a lot / Vi liker løvetann best
3. Eyes and gras / Øynene og gresset
4. A lady that lies in the gras and thinks thoughts about dandelions / En dame som ligger i gresset og tenker tanker om løvetann

Limited edition prints, done in 2 copies. Size: 60cm x 30cm. Mounted on 12 mm thick MDF boards. Price: 1300,- NOK

Review by Jasmine
Age: -
1. Cat ears, pig tails, gras, death skull jewelry / Katteører, musefletter, gress, dødningeskallesmykker
2. Cat ears and pig tails / Katteører og musefletter
3. Crosses on the tits / kryss på puppene
4. That cat and mouse can be friends / At katt og mus kan være venner
5. the lower part of the picture could be a heart / Nederste del av bildet kunne vært et hjerte
6. I like all these pictures very much! /Jeg liker alle disse bildene veldig godt

Limited edition prints, done in 4 copies. Size: 60cm x 30cm. Mounted on 12 mm thick MDF boards. Price: 1300,- NOK

Review by Anonymous
Age: -
1. I see a pumpkin, lots of wind / Ser et gresskar, masse vind
2. The pumpkin head, because it's the best picture / Gresskarhodet, fordi det er det beste bildet
3. I don't see a name / Ser ikke noe navn
4. Have no clue / Har ikke peiling
5. Nothing /Ingenting

Limited edition prints, done in 4 copies. Size: 60cm x 30cm. Mounted on 12 mm thick MDF boards. Price: 1300,- NOK

Review by Mathilde
Age: -
1. See an indian girl, see an octopussy / Ser en indianerpike, ser en blekksprut
2. Cool - octopussies squirt ink / Tøft - Blekkspruter spruter blekk
3. Nothing / Ingenting
4. Tell something about the eyes and ears/ Fortelle noe om øynene øg ørene
5. That she can be all things at the same time /At hun kan være alle ting på en gang
6. We looked the most at the first images of the lady / Vi så mest på de første bildene av dama

lørdag 5. juli 2008

btw ...

the shop is now updated ... :)


Psykosedyr is celebrating summer! The rain is pouring outside and the thunder and lightning just doesn't end. The news are reporting that streets are flooded and the lightning has stricken all around Oslo today. What a perfect excuse to let everyone know that the brand new Psykosedyr shirts are available to order!

Limited edition of 60 shirts.

Sizes female: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large and x-large
Sizes male: small, medium, large and x-large

Price: 200,- NOK
(shipping not included)

fredag 11. april 2008

New PSYKOSEDYR shirts ordered

wohooo!!! new PSYKOSEDYR t-shirts are finally ordered - with a new secret design off course :D I guess I will receive the shirts in May ... I will post picture of the new shirts when I get them :D wohooo happy happy!!!  

lørdag 16. februar 2008

PSYKOSEDYR in a calendar

My print house invited me to join their yearly art calendar, so I made this calendar girl in trüe Psykosedyr style. They used spot varnish on the black parts and made it the opening page of the calendar!!! :D super cooooool!!!

tirsdag 5. februar 2008

torsdag 24. januar 2008

tirsdag 8. januar 2008


Joey Hopkins sent me a new song yesterday - mi laik!!! Thank you!!!
Btw this is Joey Hopkins in a PSYKOSEDYR shirt :D

lørdag 5. januar 2008

fredag 4. januar 2008


The Mysterious Promoter has started a PSYKOSEDYR promotional campaign ;D

torsdag 3. januar 2008

One Shop

I visited the One Shop in Oslo today and saw my PSYKOSEDYR set displayed one their shelves :D The One Shop is located at Grünerløkka in Oslo and is only open on thursdays. 

Btw, 3 PSYKOSEDYR calendars have now been sent to 3 happy PSYKOSEDYR lovers ;)